Crypto Currency & Blockchain

What happens to your SHOPPING COMPASS recommendations
We have received many inquiries since the release of RecSys. Of course, our FAQ section already answers the basics. However, we would like to go into what exactly happens with the recommendations you submit to the SC system.

YEM Foundation sets high expectations with new plans
Today we are pleased to report on the latest events related to YEM (Your Everyday Money) and the YEM Foundation.

FYEM - purpose and application [Update]
If you have already taken a close look at the transactions on the YEMCHAIN, you have probably asked yourself - what exactly are FYEM? So here is a brief explanation.

Understanding the SHOPPING COMPASS Effect
Today we explore the basic meaning and purpose of Shopping Compass. What is Shopping Compass and what is this platform supposed to achieve?

YEM vs. Crypto: Unraveling the Uniqueness in the World of Digital Assets
When most people think of digital assets, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum likely come to mind. However, the world of programmable money has expanded far beyond just cryptocurrency. One project exploring new frontiers is YEM, created in 2017 as a "rainbow currency" developed openly by over 3,700 individuals globally.

YEM: Buy - Sell - Pay out
Even if YEM was not primarily developed for the trading sector, but as a means of payment for everyday needs, the most important user questions are: "Where can I buy and sell YEM?", and "How can I pay out euros or dollars from my YEM sales to my bank account?" That's why I'm going to describe to you today the exact process of these transactions and what you have to consider.

VIDEO - Digital Exchange Center - YEM Private Sell Order Demo - Complete Procedure
This video is a demonstration of the YEM private sell order procedure. It shows both the sellers and the buyers perspective by creating (seller), accepting (buyer) and releasing (seller).

Historic event for connoisseurs of the crypto scene
For the first time in the history of blockchain, bitcoin is dethroned. What a milestone for the YEM and what an insult for the disciples of Bitcoin!

How you too can contribute to increasing the demand for YEM!
Did you know...that you can use our SCUBE video library to invite interested people to get to know the YEM and SHOPPING COMPASS? Here is an example:

Recently in the crypto world - Today: December 4th, 2021

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