Posts tagged with "YEM Foundation"

YEM Foundation Update: Security Measures and the Introduction of Authorized Domains
In its latest update on October 1st, 2024, the YEM Foundation shared crucial news and guidelines for the development of the YEM economy. While the Foundation emphasizes the security of its members and the integrity of the YEM ecosystem, the introduction of authorized domains plays a key role in achieving these goals.

YEM Foundation Update: Key Developments and Future Plans for the YEM Economy
The YEM Foundation released an important update on October 1st, 2024, outlining the current situation and the future of the YEM economy. The Foundation, along with its National Directors, continues to pursue initiatives that benefit all YEM members. Although some of these initiatives are not yet visible, they will unfold in the near future.

YEM Foundation sets high expectations with new plans
Today we are pleased to report on the latest events related to YEM (Your Everyday Money) and the YEM Foundation.

The best crypto currency in the world
In the next few minutes you will get to know what is probably the best cryptocurrency in the world. I will show you its most important properties and the infrastructural architecture of this digital means of payment. With a little patience and expertise, this money will allow you to fulfill your material desires. You will be amazed and happy to receive this valuable information today.

The YEM FOUNDATION has released a new website. For now there is a message from the Board of International Directors to all YEM holders. You can read it here already.

Crypto Revolution 3.0 - BREAKING NEWS
Great news from the YEM World! The elections for the BID (International Board of Directors) of YEMFOUNDATION have been completed and the results have been determined.

YEM super election year
The election of the new board of YEMFOUNDATION is now active (since March 20th, 2021). Please take the opportunity to exert influence and cast your votes. You have until 03/30/2021 to inform and vote.