Welcome to the SHOPPING COMPASS! As consultants, our mission is to educate business owners on the benefits of the YEM economy and help them get started successfully. Here are some key steps and information you can share with business owners.
Dear YEM Community,
As you all know, the YEM needs a real use in everyday life. After all, that's what it was created for.
In the last weeks and months we have been busy and created a great and suitable platform for you. Requested by many and now finally ready for launch!
We call it: Your Everyday Shop
In the next few minutes you will get to know what is probably the best cryptocurrency in the world. I will show you its most important properties and the infrastructural architecture of this digital means of payment.
With a little patience and expertise, this money will allow you to fulfill your material desires. You will be amazed and happy to receive this valuable information today.
"I'm currently in New York. Where can I go shopping with my YEM?" , or "In which London restaurant can I have dinner with YEM today?", "Who in my region repairs my washing machine for YEM?", "Which campsite in Australia can I pay with YEM?" This or a similar question has probably been asked by every YEM owner.
Here comes the solution.
Do you already know that you are a wealthy person?
All you need is the SafezoneVision Shopping Compass.
Talk to businesses about what they get if they upload just 1 Yem Deal. They not only collect Yem but get free Traffic to their websites and local stores, restaurants, bars, cafés.
Participating is free of charge and Early Birds even get an unlimited amount of classifieds for Lifetime, free!