Spread the word

Earn the World´s 1st digital fiat currency

just while supporting the raise of YEM demand!


Do you love the idea of an independent digital currency? Would you like to use it to pay for your everyday purchases soon?


Could it be interesting for you to earn an inflation protected currency?

Now actively help to tell the world about YEM! Here you can find a campaign for this purpose. With this campaign you address all people who are interested in the idea of gaining financial independence by building their own marketplace for YEM offers and at the same time receiving high commissions. They don't have to sell anything, but give away free advertising space to shops and service providers.

SHOPPING COMPASS provides you with a landingpage and the matching banners in different sizes.

You can share a simple page with some videos and a registration link or you can even promote a landingpage what let potential consultants subscribe to your email list. Check some helpful hints and usage instructions .


And no worries, the email texts are already done for you too. You can simply copy/paste them and send with your own email service. To give you an overview, we have set up a documentation table for you, with which you can save all activities.


This is how promotion is fun and brings success!

Get involved and let us help the YEM to achieve the success it deserves. All it needs is demand. And the SHOPPING COMPASS search engine serves exactly this purpose.


Together we are strong!


Take a look at your backoffice at www.shoppingcompass.net under MARKETING > Build your downline > Create Campaigns . No consultant status required! 


You´ll also find valuable Traffic Resources and a powerfull Pay-Per-Click -System.