It's live and getting great!
Now that all final tests have been successful, we are happy to announce the launch of our unique and exclusive recommendation system RecSys.

Help increase YEMCONOMY and be rewarded!
Don't wait any longer to submit the shops and companies where you would like to pay with YEM. For each valid recommendation you will receive a reward of USD 10 in YEM instantly. How amazing!
Also participate in the success of our consultants and marketing managers.
Read the FAQ straight away to familiarize yourself with the rules, options and benefits.
What happens to your recommendations
After you submit your recommendation to the SHOPPING COMPASS system, a suitable advisor will contact the store to inform it and help it join the YEM marketplace. You decide whether the consultant
can use you as a reference or whether he contacts the business in his own name.
If you recommend a potential consultant (e.g. by transferring them from a freelance portal or a marketing group on Facebook, etc.), an SC Marketing Manager will contact that person. You remain
anonymous to the advisor. Based on your pernum, if successful, we will assign this advisor to your downline so that you receive the appropriate success reward.
Here is a usefull tipp:
If you dont wanna submit your recommendation directly, you can use the "Draft" function to safe you ideas for a later edit and submission. So go, do a brainstorming and write down all your ideas right now. Once you did that, they will never be lost. But note, each business/shop/store can only be recommended once. So don't wait too long to send and get the reward for it.
Start here and login withyour PernumPass. You will be forwared then to the RecSys Startpage.
Together we will move mountains.
Be a proud part of this exciting movement and show your commitment!
We wish you a lot of fun and mutual success for the liquidity and success of the best currency in the world - all of us YEM!
Your Team
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